Why Is Life So Unfair?
We already understand that every person in our world is different, but we don’t realize how wide our differences are. Many people are blessed with good looks, health, financial security and a happy home life, but that also means that there are many, many people who have none of this.
Many excel in education and scholarship and conquer many obstacles in front of them, while others seem to never get ahead, are always failing and have nothing to show for it. Others face oppression, mental issues, poverty; the list goes on about how varied people's lives are.
And while many people live carefree productive lives, others may wrestle with emptiness, addiction, disability, discrimination or loneliness. Why do some people breeze through life blessed with all good things while others are condemned to a life of struggle, hardship and suffering?
Life is so unfair.
Why is that? Why isn’t every person born with the same advantages as the other? Why do some people suffer abuse at the hand of others? Why are some people born with lifelong health issues? Why do some people endure a string of tragedies while others are blessed with good fortune? Why do some person die young and others live a long happy life?
Life is VERY unfair!
Though we each have a vision of how we want our life to unfold, God’s plans are different from ours. Though we may be seeking love, a full stomach and money in the bank, God is seeking to teach us deep spiritual truths that will resonate in our heart of hearts in the here after.
You see God has a specific plan for each one of us. He has truth lessons He wants to teach us, but our lessons can only be learned by our earthly life experiences. Our struggles are part of that learning.
No matter what our station in life is, God is teaching our souls through these life experiences. He desires for us to trust Him without reservation and follow the footsteps of Jesus through this life. When we are following the Lord and learn from Him, He reveals His purpose to us. If we go our own way and move away from Him, we only delay our learning and growth and will continue to wander.
Our struggles in this life are a part of our identity and only we understand what it means. When we go through difficult times, He is there for us to rely on. But we have to ask and invite Him in. He will not impose Himself without our permission. This is called "free choice." We have to choose Him.
People who suffer pain have empathy for others who suffer. Those who experience prejudice know what it’s like to be discriminated against. Those who are abused understand what abuse victims have to go through.
We each have a choice on how to act with our individual circumstances. We can be angry, bitter and lose hope or we can put our faith in God and use our experiences to make us stronger to conquer our troubles and heal our lives.
We may complain to God about our difficulties and cry out about the unfairness or we can use what we have, grow in faith and learn to help others who also struggle through this life.
Even those who have privileged lives on the outside have many nasty demons that must be cast out on the inside. Some of us have great advantages, but what we do with those advantages says a lot about how spiritually grown up we are. Do we smugly look down and dismiss those who are in different places than we are? Or do we try to help lift others up so they can be stronger and more equal.
In each of our lives, God has things He wants to teach us to help us grow to greatness and be spiritually wise people. Every event in our life is a learning experience that God is offering us. What we learn can help us be stronger in our faith to serve God and His people.
And what are some things that God wants to teach us?
Faith, Patience, Understanding, Truth, Forgiveness, Compassion, Humbleness...Unconditional love.
There is so much that God wants to teach us and the only way to learn is through our life's journey, good and bad. Our lives are challenges and He hopes we will allow Him to guide us and grow in His love to heal our souls so we can also help our brothers and sisters.
What we do with what we have and have been given is what God is looking out for.
Each person born into this world is on a spiritual journey with God that belongs only to him/her. We will not know what the purpose of our life here on earth is until we come face to face with Him when our time is done.
And when we follow His path of love to further His Kingdom, He will open our eyes to what it is He is desiring for us: to be ambassadors of Jesus’ love on this earth.
And for those who are still struggling with life and faith, no matter how difficult, God offers to be with us through His son, Jesus Christ to put us on the road to healing.
Yes life is unfair, but God can use us to make things right.
©2025 Edrick
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